Thanks for seein' about a girl, friend. here's where I'm writing my own history—for you, for me and anyone else who needs to laugh to keep from cryin' every once in awhile.


Dear Mama: this post mainly serves as a special shout out to the new pic, i.e. the cutest baby in the world - my mama!

yes! 'tis marge as a bebby :) and i tell you what, this image never ceases to make my day. it's incredible that i've never thought about my mom as a child or a baby, and looking at that face, i wonder who she was (besides sweet - she still is!)...

anyway, i just had to say that. even though my mom has no Internet connection and even if she did, she wouldn't dare get near the computer, but it comforts me seeing her round face beaming as we're so far apart. she's my number one girl.

Ode to Tom Wolfe:

in other non-related news (sorry Mom), i have to share with you a snippet of this book i'm currently reading, I Am Charlotte Simmons by Tom Wolfe. 'Tis good so far. I've never read Tom Wolfe so I'm currently enchanted by his renowned gift for description.

(Again, I apologize to my mother and her omniscient spirit in advance for including such atrocities in the same post as her darling self ... but I'm lazy, it's late, and having just read this, I felt an immediate need to post it ...)

"Without even realizing what it was, Jojo spoke in this year's prevailing college creole: Fuck Patois. In Fuck Patois, the word fuck was used as an interjection ("What the fuck" or plain "Fuck," with or without an exclamation point) expressing unhappy surprise; as a participial adjective (“fucking guy,” “fucking tree,” “fucking elbows”) expressing disparagement or discontent; as an adverb modifying and intensifying an adjective (“pretty fucking obvious”) or a verb (“I’m gonna fucking kick his ass”); as a noun (“That stupid fuck,” “don’t give a good fuck”); as a verb meaning Go away (“Fuck off”), beat – physically, financially, or politically (“really fucked him over”) or beaten (“I’m fucked”), botch (“really fucked that up”), drunk (“You are so fucked up”); as an imperative expressing contempt (“Fuck you,” “Fuck that”). Rarely – the usage had become somewhat archaic – but every now and then it referred to sexual intercourse (“He fucked her on the carpet in front of the TV”).”

I know it’s lewd, and for surprised eyes, I apologize, but ‘tis really fucking brilliant! I had never before contemplated Fuck Patois, in part because it seems haughtily high brow; however, I have to say upon reconsideration, I like it. The clarification of its many, delightful uses amuses and enchants me – as if I now am overly excited to use it just so I can cite its grammatical importance. My favorite: as an adverb modifying and intensifying an adjective. Classic.

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