Last week, I:
Resigned: To let one car in ahead of me whenever there's heavy traffic. Hey, I have to do what I can to maintain my Southern hospitality in the midst of these excruciatingly erratic PA/DE/NJ drivers.
This was a very stupid thing to admit that I would do. Why? Because:
Resigned: I will not be able to avoid stupid people. My forcefield just isn't strong enough.
It's just too good to be true, really, thinking that the Golden Rule could apply to such idiots. This morning, I let a hunter green Ford Taurus go in front of me after they did the brake-jerk TWICE at the 4-way stop.
This was dumb on my part, because the car that moments earlier seemed to be in a hurry, turned out to be the slowest poker of them all. Braking at every man-hole, braking to turn-oh-not-turning-there-my-bad, stopping to turn ...
For FIFTEEN minutes I cruised in 2nd gear and watched what started out as a "right-on-time" commute morph into an "oh-you-is-definitely-gonna-be-tardy-today" commute. We finally come to the point in the trip where there will be access to two lanes. All that stands between me and high-tailin' it is one stop sign. Again, we see the brake-jerk, but this time it's into fastly approaching traffic. Horns sound. This might be the worst game of Frogger I've yet to witness.
Brake-jerk. It's not clear, but she pulls out anyway. EASES out. Perpendicular to the oncoming traffic. It looks astounding and by the sound of the horn of a rapidly approaching BMW, it must be astounding. But still, hunter green Taurus eases on out there, slowly rights themselves not in the "inside" right lane, but in the outside lane. Oooh wee.
I saw fingers flaring and uppin', freshly combed hair flingin' in frustration and as I went about my way in the right hand lane, suddenly Mr. BMW jumps into my lane, finger still flyin', horn still blaring and suddenly I'm doin' the brake-jerk.